Creative Director + Copywriter + Rapper + Transcreator
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Binggrae Melona : Melona is more than Melona


One notable campaign I led was the Binggrae Melona "Melona is more than Melona" campaign. Breaking the formula of traditional ice cream advertisements, we infused Binggrae's unique worldview of Binggraeus Kingdom and harnessed the power of the "Melona" meme. The embodiment of "The Duke of Melona, Ongte" as a character effectively conveyed the enduring presence of Melona over the past three decades. Garnering an impressive 8.17 million views, our campaign ranked sixth among all Binggrae advertising campaigns. Moreover, we developed and distributed KakaoTalk emoticons featuring "The Duke of Melona, Ongte," which successfully conveyed the campaign's message across various contexts.